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What's New?

Writer's picture: Deb PennerDeb Penner

What's new? It's one of those questions everyone asks, but few truly answer (or truly desire to have answered). Honoring the presence of Truth in my Gene Keys, as of late I've found myself exploring my honest answer to this question. What's new with me? Absolutely everything. And nothing at all.

Let's take stock. In the last 13 months I have: woken up to my own self-deception. Asked earnestly to have my life burned down. By turns practiced gratitude and watched in horror as that prayer was answered as only the most heartfelt prayers are--with blinding speed and stunning bluntness. Separated from a beloved partner. Reconciled with said partner. Separated again. Parted ways with most of my physical belongings. Left my home of a dozen years. Bought my first pick-up. Moved into a camp trailer. Wrecked said camp trailer and pick-up six weeks later. Lost many of my remaining physical belongings. Experienced a resurgence of physical symptoms that brought me to my metaphysical knees a few years ago. Returned to the town I'd just left. Replaced the mangled possessions. Started no fewer than three forms of therapy to attend to the other mangled things. Became certified in breathwork. Tested and worked to release three new business offerings based in my ever-expanding metaphysical gifts. Reunited with that beloved partner. Handled a few dog mom emergencies. Grappled with hopelessness, depression, and the dawning understanding that I am being stripped of everything I have known, been, depended on, and identified with--at my own request.

So, yeah. Everything is new.

The other thing that's new? Nothing. Zip. Zero. Because of all this newness is in service of my life lessons, the coursework I signed up for when I ordered my meat suit and incarnated on this space rock. The same lessons I've been learning all along. Let's take stock:

Lesson One: You are not in charge. You know why? Because there's someone wiser in charge. Someone who dreams bigger and better than you. Someone who can not only see the easy way, but who understands all the ways and will happily show you the best one, every time. Don't believe it? That's OK. Go ahead, try it your way. Again. Come back and let us know how that went for you. We'll be here.

Lesson Two: There is enough. Of everything. Always. Abundance is the natural state of the Universe. God is a quantum field. Everything you're trying so hard to hang on to is available in massive quantities just outside of your closed hands. Don't believe it? That's OK. Keep grasping. Some more. Come back and let us know how that went for you. We'll be here.

Lesson Three: You are not small. You're here to do big things. Why do you think we gave you all that energy, that big voice, and your Manifesting Generator tendencies? The whispers inside that say you're not enough? They're full of shit. Trust us. Or don't. Keep playing small. Some more. Come back and let us know how that went for you. We'll be here.

Lesson Four: Feelings are for feeling. All of them. Even the ones that aren't pleasant to feel. You've noticed what happens when you don't feel them. You've got plenty of skills to help you feel them. So, you should feel them. Or don't. Suppress them. Again. Come back and let us know how that went for you. We'll be here.

Lesson Five: Trust. Trust yourself. Trust your knowing. Trust your gut and your guides. Trust your body. Trust your experience. Trust those feelings we just talked about. Trust deeply into every fiber of your being. Not ready to trust yet? That's OK. Keeping doubting and second-guessing. Come back and let us know how that went for you. We'll be here.

So, yeah. Nothing is new here. Sure, I switched classroom décor. Hang up some new posters. Got a standing desk. Bought a light-up globe. Repainted the chalkboard. But I'm still packing around the same old textbook. Same life, same life lessons.

Wait. Something is a little different here. Experience, as Madonna once said, has made me rich. I've understood that I'm enrolled in Life School for decades. I've known my lesson plan for a number of years now. What's new with me is my level of participation. I don't get distracted nearly as often by my human ego making faces through the school's door, causing me to drop that textbook on my foot. I don't fall asleep at my desk, inviting Teacher to slam the book down by my somnolent head and scare the crap out of me. I'm an active and engaged student these days, open to and increasingly more welcoming of my lessons. I'm paying attention now. Maybe not making the honor roll, but not idling in study hall, either. The lessons haven't changed, but the way I interact with them has.

That's what's new with me. Nothing at all. And every possible thing.

What's new with you?



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